Friday, February 29, 2008

PA for Marriage Event

Last night I had the honor to attend a fund raiser for Pennsylvania for Marriage - a non-profit organization committed to passing PA Senate Bill 1250 (SB 1250) in order to preserve marriage as an institution for men and women.
Let's all pray for this to pass, as many states are allowing civil unions, equaling homosexual union to that of a marriage between one man and one woman.

There were a lot of "movers and shakers" there, including Senator Rick Santorum, Maggie Gallagher, and PA Senator Mike Brubaker (sponsor for SB 1250).
(Keep Rick and family in prayers, as his wife is expecting Baby #8...)

It was nice to talk to some of these people. Santorum is very nice - very passionate about life persevering - but my observation was this: everyone there liked to talk.

One man stood out. He made sure he talked to every single person - and he listened. He really listened.
Not sure why anyone would be surprised to know it was Justin Cardinal Rigali.

I love the man. Always have. He is a very holy man and is at the forefront of defending life in this country. Truly one of my role models.
And there he was, as usual (this being the 4th time I've spoken to the man) asking about my wife and daughter, making sure he knew our names, as if to catalog it to pray for us.

And so it was on the drive home where I felt God speaking to me, yet again. A time when my prayer life is suffering from launching a new career. Through it, He is still reaching out to me. No reservations. All He asks is to be open to His grace.

I really felt He placed "poverty" and "humility" on my heart.
Cardinal Rigali bled these traits last night. He listened, while everyone else talked.
So it is by the Lord's calling that I - and all of us - need to listen more. To humble ourselves before everyone we meet. To become the "smallest" person in the room.

We must decrease. He must increase.

And again, my heart is filled with so much love and adoration for our Triune Godhead.

Blessings to you on all.