Tuesday, February 05, 2008


It took many years, but I finally got to watch Gandhi. I thought it was a really good movie and Ben Kingsley was just amazing in it.

Two lines really stuck out in my mind, both of which may never have been said:

1. When Gandhi and fellow Charlie Andrews - a Protestant minister - were traveling across India, Andrews joined other Indians atop the train car they were in, because it was too crowded below.
As Andrews was about to take in the wonderful views of Indian countryside, an Indian engaged him in conversation:

"Are you a Christian?"
Andrews replied, "Yes, yes I am."

"I know a Christian woman."

Andrews shakes his head in acknowledgment.

"She drinks blood.

"Blood of Christ. Every Sunday."

Hilarious! Gotta love those "carnivorous" Catholics...

2. While touring the conditions of his home country and seeing how destitute some Indians were, he was imprisoned for "disturbing the peace." Andrews visited him and seeing him in only a loincloth, asked him if they (the guards) had taken his clothes.

Gandhi, referring to his countrymen, replied, "If I want to be one with them, I have to live like them."

Reminded me of that other person who clothed himself as his brothers and sisters...