Friday, February 01, 2008

For to everyone who has, more will be given...

Ahh, Matthew 25:29.
This didn't have extraordinary meaning in my life until two separate instances made me dwell on it.

I recall talking to two friends - ironically both live or have lived in Germany - and telling them how 2007 was such an amazing year for me and how I didn't expect 2008 to be quite the same. It was then I was thumped with some Scripture. My buddy "Donderbolt" said to me, "Nah, for those who have, more will be given." He said it with such certainty, that I began to start believing whole-heartedly in this.
Well, 2008 has afforded me a wonderful opportunity: I have since started two companies, both of which allow me to work from home...and less.

I am so convinced that if we put God and family first, we cannot ever outdo Him in generosity. How do I know this?
I have struggled ever since getting married with the idea that man leaves his home for approximately 10 hours to go "to work." If we count 8 hours for sleep, that leaves 6 hours to take the trash out, clean the house, get groceries, and oh yeah.....spend time with the family.

I decided to revolt.

I sold my share of my company off in December and decided my focus would be the home. I resolved to work from home and let the Lord find me a new career.
Well, I am now working from home. My wife's now a homemaker and our daughter will see her parents.
Praise God!

...More has been given...

Are you ready to revolt?

(Disclaimer: The above was greatly discerned through much prayer and penance.)