Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Pope Obama I

Oh, Barack, but you ARE less Christian for thinking abortion and same-sex marriage is ok.

This kind of stuff boggles my mind. Anything OPPOSED to life is anti-Christian. End of discussion.
The absolute nerve of Senator Obama to "interpret" the Sermon on the Mount for allowing same-sex unions. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!

How we can allow someone to murder a human being is so foreign to me. The "unfit" being destroyed has been carried out by so many dictatorial monsters in the past. I don't know how so many people in our society are blind to this Nazi-like treatment.
We're talking about a HUMAN BEING here. People like to argue that at such an early age, it really isn't a human life - that is, until it's "born" from its mother's womb.
Well what in the world is it? A toaster oven?


It's a HUMAN LIFE; not a choice. Calling a child a choice really disarms the facts.

I hate politics, but when the state of our country hangs in the balance of a couple of "Christians" (Obama & Clinton) who think the Bible - and Christ - approve same sex marriage and abortion, I absolutely have to point out heresy.

Let us pray for Obama, Hillary, and all those deceived by the lies of the Evil One.

Here's a great blog about politics and religion in general.