Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"The First Dream"

My attraction to Don Bosco really started after I talked to a Priest friend about some vivid dreams I was having nearly five years ago. Don Bosco's "First Dream" was when he was 9, so I guess at age 27, my "prophetic" dreams were a little late.

Let's first look at what the Catechism has to say about dreams...
CCC 67 reads:
Throughout the ages, there have been so-called "private" revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ's definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church.

Christian faith cannot accept "revelations" that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment, as is the case in certain non-Christian religions and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such "revelations."

So now that my post has been prefaced, I can save myself from being lumped in with cults since nothing revealed to me was in contradiction to the Word...

I remember it being such a peaceful sleep. I didn't feel as if I was dreaming and I didn't feel awake. It was definitely another dimension if you will. I found myself in a mist of gray. I couldn't even see myself or where I was at, as if in a cloud on a rainy day. No sound.

After a bit, I noticed I was in a small rowboat in the middle of an open body of water. I could only see about 15 feet in front of me and beyond that, more gray. No sound, but the ringing you hear when there is perfect silence.

It felt like hours on the rowboat when the clouds began to disperse. From the clouds came a figure and finally: color. The absolute whitest horse began approaching with the most stunning mane of white hair. On the horse was a great man of stature, bigger than anything I had ever seen. He had a long white robe, long flowing gray hair, and a long beard. As they got closer, I remember feeling elated, as if everything was going to get better.

The man and horse kept their distance and at once the horse leaned back on its hind legs and unleashed the loudest sound - so loud I couldn't hear. I only felt the power of the horse's "growl". While on its hind legs, as commanded, the man reached up into the sky with what I now saw was a scepter. Still no color. He touched the sky and from where he touched, the most radiant sun appeared. Blinding. I couldn't see.

The sound and light faded and when I raised my eyes, they now approached even closer, standing above me. The man took the scepter and rested it on my shoulder and at once, I began to see color.

A grin of assurance from the man and they departed.

The clouds began to disappear, the sun was brightly shining, and the water was blue. I was no longer in the rowboat, but now hovering above the water. I now saw other boats in the water, which I approached. The boats had people in them. The boats, the people - all gray with gloom in their faces. I then touched them with my hand and color and joy entered the boat as if I brought life to them. The most vivid memory I had was that of a boat containing a man and a woman. When I touched them, a child appeared in their arms and they were filled with so much love and affection.

My alarm goes off.

Alright, at this point I am MORE than freaked out. I think I stared at my alarm clock for about 5 minutes, wondering what was going on. I took me forever to get ready for work that morning and even walking to work, I remained in a daze. As expected, I began retracing my night. I didn't go out. I had no alcohol. Believe it or not, I had not read - or seen - The Lord of the Rings at this point in my life. I didn't even read Revelation before I went to sleep. So what was it?

Are you ready for the conclusion?

It was some months later when my girlfriend at the time introduced me to her good friend and her husband. We attended a class reunion together and that night it was revealed to me that they had been trying for some time to conceive. The next day we all attended Mass together and I noticed how closely they held each other and how their pain was evident. After Mass we were parting ways (her husband was heading off on a hunting trip) and I had this uncontrollable urge to place my hand on this girl's lower abdomen.
Well, I didn't. What struck me first was the thought of touching a woman I barely knew
in such a manner and what would've struck me next would've been her husband's fist!

A month later I found out they conceived and since they were practicing NFP, they knew when it happened...

the day the husband left on the hunting trip.