Thursday, August 07, 2008

Veritatis Splendor

Wow. Our friend, Mike McMonagle (founder of Generation Life - view site and blog on right >), was arrested in Tiananmen Square with 2 others (Rev. Patrick Mahoney & Brandi Swindell) for conducting a prayer vigil in defense of those who have no rights....when will we see there is a HUGE problem in China?

Praise God for Freedom of Religion in this country.

BEIJING, Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C., states, "Today we stand as a bold and prophetic witness against the tyranny and brutality by the Chinese government against their own people. As the Summer Olympics are being celebrated, millions of Christians and those with other faith traditions are routinely oppressed, tortured and jailed by Chinese officials. It is a privilege and honor to be able to stand with those who are persecuted.

"China also promotes the barbaric practice of forced abortion and sterilization, while those who speak out against human rights abuses by the Chinese government are crushed and trampled. And, the peaceful citizens of Tibet have been brutalized by Chinese leaders.

"Today we follow the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 25 and stand in solidarity with our oppressed Chinese brothers and sisters. Our public witness is a visible reminder that 100,000 military troops and abusive security measures cannot silence the voice of freedom, justice and the power of the Gospel of Christ. The truth will always be heard and we hope that President Bush will boldly speak out against these human rights abuses on his official visit to China during the Olympics."

Brandi Swindell, National Director and co-founder of Generation Life based in Boise, Idaho, comments, "I gladly risk my freedoms to speak out for those who have none. It is an honor to stand in solidarity with our Chinese brothers and sisters who risk their lives every day for expressing the simple act of worshipping their God. Today millions of Christians, Tibetan Monks and Falun Gong practitioners sit in prison and face unspeakable brutality because of their religious beliefs.

"As a young woman, I passionately speak out against the pain and suffering that Chinese women must face daily through the practice of forced abortion and human trafficking. They routinely deal with the tragic and painful loss of children through forced abortion and young girls face the horror of being sold into sex slavery through human trafficking. My hope is through my witness today I may be a voice for them.

"We pray that God will bring an end to these human rights abuses by the Chinese government and one day the world will see justice, liberty and freedom for the beautiful people of this wonderful country."

Michael McMonagle, a national Catholic pro-life activist and founder of Generation Life in Philadelphia, adds, "We are willing to risk some minor hardship to provide this public witness for Jesus Christ and against the worst human rights abuses in the history of the world. Our prayer is our witness will stir Christians across the world to take a public stand for Jesus Christ and His Gospel of Life.

"I brought a banner with me that reads, 'Jesus Christ is King.' This banner summarized Cardinal Ignatius Kung's heroic statement in 1955 before thousands of people in a stadium in Shanghai, when he cried out, 'Long live Christ the King! Long live the Pope!' He spent 30 years in prison for this powerful public witness for Christ.

"Today, we join with the witness of Cardinal Kung as we stand for life, human rights and justice."