Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Mother's tears

What a marvelous couple of days the Church has given us. On Monday, She gave us the memorial of St. Monica and today we were given the memorial of her son, St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church.

You have to wonder if Monica, in her years and years of praying for Augustine's conversion, ever pondered Psalm 56 (especially verse 9), You have kept a record of my tears; are they not written in your book?

She couldn't rest until her son was "home."
It reminds me of my own Mother's tears, praying to God that I'd be open to His grace in "coming home." And it happened.
Ironically enough, my Mother called me the other night to tell me that she was going through some old notes and found her recollection of a phone call I made to her on August 30, 2005, when I said "it was time."

So I thank my Mother now for all of her prayers while I was away at college and I thank all mothers for the prayers of God's lost sheep. May their tears be turned into dancing.

Saints Monica and Augustine.....

....Pray for us!