Friday, July 27, 2007

3 in a row?

Well, Wednesday my wife and I were at morning Mass and she nearly fainted from the heat and for a pregnant woman, I've learned that it's best to always be super cautious. So, we went to the emergency room and after running a bunch of pre-cautionary tests everything was fine and her and the baby are doing well.

Last night we were again at the emergency room, but this time it was for me. I went and sliced my finger on a soup can. I got 5 stitches and all is well.

Can today make it 3 days in a row? I hope not...

So, while sitting in the emergency room, I thought about how frequently we forget those people in our prayers that are not related to us or even part of our lives. I looked at all of the people in there, none who I knew, and just began to pray for them, their families, and the hospital employees who were attending to all of the traumas. How important it was to pray for them that our Lord send them enough grace to accept their suffering and to unite that suffering to Our Lord's Passion. How important it is to have people praying for us and for us to be praying for other people, even those we don't know and come in contact with.

And this all reminds me of our dear friend, Fr. Marc, who once told me that when our minds wonder and someone pops into our head, to just pray for them, and how it's a good practice to always stay in communion with "the Body."

So for all of those souls experiencing pain and suffering each and every day in our hospitals around the globe, Father please watch over them and their families. Amen.